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WordPress 6.5 (Regina) Release


April 2, 2024

The latest version of WordPress, 6.5 (Regina), became available on Pantheon as of April 2, 2024.


Font Library
  • WordPress 6.5 introduces the new Font Library. This feature allows you to upload fonts to your WordPress site or install any of the fonts available from Google's font library.
  • Previously, in version 1.3.3 of our Pantheon MU Plugin, we added support for the new Font Library feature by explicitly defining where fonts are stored to support this new feature.
  • For more information, refer to our documentation.
Interactivity API
  • WordPress 6.5 also adds a new Interactivity API. This API establishes a standardized way to add interactive elements to Gutenberg blocks.
Performant Translations
  • A new localization system has been introduced in WordPress 6.5 to improve the performance of translations. This system uses a new file format, .l10n.php, to store translations in addition to the standard .mo and .po files you may already be familiar with. When .l10n.php files exist, they are loaded instead, providing significant performance improvements and using less memory.
  • For more information about Performant Translations on Pantheon and how to generate .l10n.php files if they do not exist, see our Performant Translations guide.
Plugin Dependencies
  • WordPress plugins can now have dependencies on other plugins. This allows plugin authors to specify that their plugin requires another plugin to be installed and activated in order to work properly. A new Requires Plugins Plugin Header has been introduced to require other plugins to be installed and activated before the current plugin can be activated and prevent plugins that are dependent upon other plugins to be deactivated accidentally. For more information, see the Plugin Dependencies dev note.
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