We released version 1.0.5 of the WP Decoupled Preview plugin which contains a bug fix specific to WordPress 6.3. WP Decoupled Preview enables content editors to see their changes in the context of a front-end framework (served through Pantheon's Front-End Sites) like Next.js. To try this functionality, request access to Front-End Sites and follow our tutorial for spinning up our WordPress + Next.js starter.
Can you tell we want more teams to sign up for Front-End Sites? If you don't yet have access, as of the last month you'll now see callouts in the site creation flow that lead to Front-End Sites Access:
Thanks to efforts in the last month, once you spin up new codebases in Front-End Sites, you will also find:
- Newly improved readme files in your fresh projects.
- Health checks that fire early in the build process if your Front-End Site may be likely to fail due to missing variables for a back-end CMS
- A better navigation and search functionality for the Decoupled Kit project documentation.
Want to chat more about these kinds of sites? Join the #front-end-frameworks Slack Channel.