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PHP 5.3 and 5.5 no longer available starting February 25, 2025

January 16, 2025

Editorial notes:

  • The date of the auto-upgrades has been updated from February 25 to March 12.
  • As of January 29, 2025, this release note has been edited to amend the action required. Where previously we required upgrading 5.3 and 5.5 to 7.2 we are now allowing upgrades to 5.6 as well. This can be helpful if you choose to upgrade PHP versions incrementally rather than making the jump to 7.x.

As part of our continued effort to protect and secure customer sites, the Pantheon platform will no longer offer PHP versions 5.3 and 5.5 as of March 12, 2025.

PHP 5.5 was declared end-of-life (EOL) by the PHP Foundation on July 21, 2016, more than eight years ago. EOL software does not receive security or feature updates, and could expose sites to attack if any vulnerabilities or exploits are discovered.

We will soon provide long term support (LTS) security coverage for the remaining EOL versions of PHP on the platform.

Action required

Customers with sites using PHP 5.3 and 5.5 should test and upgrade the PHP version to at least PHP 5.6. If no action is taken, sites using PHP 5.3 and 5.5 will be auto-upgraded to PHP 5.6 on March 12, 2025. Pantheon currently recommends at least PHP 8.1 for all production sites.

Sites created with custom upstreams using EOL PHP versions may also have unexpected behavior upon site creation.