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terminus auth:login


Logs in a user to Pantheon.

Example Usage

terminus auth:login --machine-token MACHINE-TOKEN --email EMAIL

auth:login --machine-token=<machine_token> Logs in a user granted the machine token <machine_token>.

auth:login Logs in a user with a previously saved machine token.

auth:login --email=<email> Logs in a user with a previously saved machine token belonging to <email>.



--ansiForce (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
--defineDefine a configuration item value.
--emailUses an existing machine token for this user
--helpDisplay help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the <info>list</info> command
--machine-tokenGrants access for a user and is saved for future logins
--no-ansiNegate the "--ansi" option
--no-interactionDo not ask any interactive question
--quietDo not output any message
--verboseIncrease the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output (-v), 2 for more verbose output (-vv), and 3 for debug (-vvv)
--versionDisplay this application version
--yesAnswer all confirmations with "yes"

Login Duration

The Platform logs users out after 24 hours of inactivity, and forces all users to log back into the Platform every 30 days.

This includes all users authenticated via Terminus auth:login.

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