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Terminus Configuration File

Learn how to configure your local Terminus configuration file.

This section provides information on how to configure your local Terminus configuration file.

You can create a configuration file to provide default values for common options. This helps avoid passing the same options to Terminus repeatedly. The Terminus configuration file is located at $HOME/.terminus/config.yml.

Available Configurations

Any command variable normally passed in the form of --option=VALUE is configurable. Stored values are available regardless of which alias you use to run the command. Default values stored this way are overridden by those supplied on the command line.

Run the --help option in your terminal for a list of available options for a given command (e.g., available --fields or --format options):

Terminus Help Command Example


The $HOME/.terminus/config.yml file uses YAML formatting, which relies on indentation in the form of two spaces per indent:

hide_git_mode_warning: 1
        app: sequelace

The example above does three things:

  • Terminus warns you when running commands in an environment set to Git mode, unaware if the command affects the codebase or not.

  • The terminus auth:login command automatically provides the correct email address when it runs. This is useful if you find yourself logging in to multiple accounts frequently, and want to use your regular account by default.

    [warning] This environment is in read-only Git mode. If you want to make changes to the codebase of this site (e.g. updating modules or plugins), you will need to toggle into read/write SFTP mode first.

    Defining TERMINUS_HIDE_GIT_MODE_WARNING disables that message, which is useful for those using Terminus for frequent changes to files, not code.

  • The Terminus Plugin Pancakes lets you open your Pantheon site database with a SQL GUI client. Rather than define the app every time. This configuration always uses Sequel Ace unless otherwise specified.

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