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Supported Terminus and PHP Versions

Learn which versions of Terminus and PHP are currently supported.

Each major and minor version of Terminus is fully supported for one year from the release of the subsequent version. During the supported period, serious bugs and security issues that have been reported are fixed in patch releases. Refer to the documentation on Semantic Versioning for more information on versioning.

After this period, the version will reach End Of Life (EOL), and will no longer be supported. We recommend you update Terminus far in advance of the EOL schedule, so that regressions in new versions can be reported and patched in time.

VersionRelease DateEOL Date
3.5.1June 13, 2024
3.5.0June 6, 2024June 13, 2025
3.4.0April 23, 2024June 6, 2025
3.3.5February 28, 2024April 23, 2025
3.3.4February 27, 2024February 28, 2025
3.3.3January 11, 2024February 27, 2025
3.3.2January 11, 2024January 11, 2025
3.3.1November 30, 2023January 11, 2025
3.3.0November 29, 2023November 30, 2024
3.2.2September 28, 2023November 29, 2024
3.2.1June 1, 2023September 28, 2024
3.2.0 or earlierMay 22 , 2023June 1, 2024

PHP Version Compatibility Matrix

PHP VersionTerminus 3.x
7.3 or earlier

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