terminus local:clone
CLone a copy of the site code into $HOME/pantheon-local-copies
Example Usage
terminus local:clone --site_dir SITE_DIR --override OVERRIDE --branch BRANCH -- <site_id>
local:clone <site>
Clone's a local copy into "$HOME/pantheon-local-copies"
Option | Description |
--ansi | Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output |
--branch | The branch to clone. Default is master |
--define | Define a configuration item value. |
--help | Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the <info>list</info> command |
--no-ansi | Negate the "--ansi" option |
--no-interaction | Do not ask any interactive question |
--override | Override the local copy if exists |
--quiet | Do not output any message |
--site_dir | Custom directory for the local copy. By default, the site name is used |
--verbose | Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output (-v), 2 for more verbose output (-vv), and 3 for debug (-vvv) |
--version | Display this application version |
--yes | Answer all confirmations with "yes" |