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Last Reviewed: September 19, 2022

Payment Methods

Learn how to manage the credit cards used to pay for your account.

Self-serve accounts accept credit card payments only. Pantheon does not currently accept alternative methods of payment for online site purchases (e.g., checks, PayPal, etc.).


Payment for a site can't be split among payment methods. This means that your payment can only come from one card at a time.

Add Payment Method

Payment methods can be added in either your Personal Settings, or in a Site Dashboard.

To add a payment method via Personal Settings:

  1. Go to your Personal Workspace, click Settings, then select Payment Methods.

  2. Click + Add Payment Method.

  3. Enter the card information, then click Add New Card. The card will appear in the list, and will be available as a selection for any site you own.


The email address you enter here is the address invoices will be sent to.

Update Payment Method

  1. Go to your Personal Workspace, click Settings, then select Payment Methods.

  2. Click View Details for the payment method you want to edit.

  3. Click Actions, then click Edit.

  4. Update the card information, then click Save New Changes.


The email address you enter here is the address invoices will be sent to.

Delete Payment Method

All sites must be disassociated from the card before it can be deleted.


Deleting a card profile from your account will also delete its associated billing history (invoices and transactions). Go to View Invoices to download past invoices before deleting your credit card profile.

  1. Go to your Personal Workspace, click Settings, then select Payment Methods.

  2. Click View Details for the payment method you want to edit.

  3. Click Actions, then click Delete.

  4. Select Yes, I want to delete it, then click Delete.

View History

  1. Go to your Personal Workspace, click Settings, then select Payment Methods.

  2. Click View Details for the payment method whose history you want to view.

    The history will show the last 100 transactions.

Site-Specific Payment Methods

Site-specific payment methods can only be used on the site on which they are defined.

Add a Site-Specific Payment Method


If the site is currently in Sandbox mode (free), upgrade the site plan to add and begin billing to a credit card.

To add a payment method to a site:

  1. Go to the Site Dashboard for the site.

  2. Go to the Billing tab and click Add Card.

    • If you already have payment methods defined in your Personal Workspace, you will see them listed. To use a listed payment method, select it and click Update Credit Card.

    • If you don’t want to use a listed card, click Add New Card, add the information, click Add Card, and then click Update Credit Card.

Change the Card Used to Bill This Site

To change the card used to bill a site:

  1. Go to your Personal Workspace, click Settings, then select Subscriptions.

  2. Click the Actions dropdown next to the site you’d like to update.

  3. Click Change Payment Method

  4. Here you can change the payment method for that site to another card you have on file or add a new card.

Alternatively, you can:

  1. Go to the Site Dashboard for the site.

  2. Go to the Billing tab and click Change Card.

  3. Here you can change the payment method for that site to another card you have on file or add a new card.

Change the Card Used to Bill Multiple Sites

  1. Go to your Personal Workspace, click Settings, then select Payment Methods. Here you can see all cards you have on file and a count of how many sites are billed to each card

  2. Click the View Details on the card you wish to move multiple sites away from.

  3. Click the Actions dropdown, click Move Subscriptions.

  4. Click Change Payment Method

  5. Here you can change the payment method to another card you have on file or add a new card.

Delete a Site-Specific Payment Method


In order to delete a payment method, any associated site(s) must first either be downgraded to Sandbox or moved to a different payment method. Refer to upgrade the site plan for more information.

To delete a payment method:

  1. Go to your Personal Workspace, click Settings, then select Payment Methods. Here you can see all cards you have on file and a count of how many sites are billed to each card

  2. Click the View Details on the card you wish to move multiple sites away from.

  3. Click the Actions dropdown, click Move Subscriptions.

  4. Here you can change the payment method to another card you have on file or add a new card.

Alternatively, you can

  1. Go to the Site Dashboard for a Sandboxed site.

  2. Go to the Billing tab and click Remove Card.