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Last Reviewed: March 21, 2023

Sign Up

Create your Pantheon account.

First, let's get you signed up!

To create an account:

  1. Go to the Pantheon Registration Page.

  2. Enter your name, email, company name, password, country and state.

  3. Read and accept the terms of service.

  4. Click Sign Up. Your account will be created (it may take a few moments), and a login page will appear.

    Signing up for Pantheon


    Are you an agency? Do you build sites for others? If so, check Are you an agency? on the signup form to get more free features and really make the most of this guide. You can sign up if you're an agency of one or one thousand.

  5. Log in to your account. A Welcome page will appear.

  6. Select Set up your team for the purposes of completing the activities in this guide.

Welcome screen with Setup my team highlighted

Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a free Pantheon account. Now let's get it set up.