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Copy cURL Data

Learn how to copy cURL data in the browser.

This section provides information on how to get cURL data to help the Support team provide more customized help.

cURL allows you to reproduce a browser-based operation. cURL data shows all headers, switches, and data sent to the browser when a request was made.

You can copy cURL data from your browser and paste it into your preferred text editor to review the request data in detail and share it with the Support team. Optionally, you can append -H "pantheon-debug: 1" -H "fastly-debug: 1" --http1.1 -s -D - -o /dev/null to the copied cURL command to get more detailed debug data.

How Do I Copy cURL Data?

  1. Click More Tools and then select Developer Tools.

  2. Click the Network tab.

  3. Right-click the entry you want to get cURL data for, select Copy, and then select Copy as cURL.

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