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Last Reviewed: December 12, 2022


Before You Begin

Clone your existing site to your local environment following the git clone command from the dashboard.

Create a New Terminus Build Tools Drupal Site

  1. Follow the Terminus Build Tools Documentation to create a new Drupal site:

    terminus build:project:create --git=github --team='My Agency Name' d9 my-buildtools-site
  2. Wait for the site to be created and for the first build to complete.

Prepare the Local Environment

  1. Review our documentation on Git, Composer, and Terminus, and install and configure them on your local computer. Pantheon requires Composer 2 at minimum.

    • Mac users can use Homebrew to install Git, Composer, and PHP, along with their required dependencies. Note: Terminus 3 should be used for PHP >= 8.0. Restart the shell or terminal environment after entering the following command:

      brew install git composer php
    • Windows users can install Composer and Git, and may need to install XAMPP or similar to satisfy some dependencies.

  2. Get a local copy of both your new site (from the external repository) and your existing site codebase.

  3. Set the following temporary variables in your terminal session to match your folders location and sites names:

    export SOURCE=/absolute/path/to/source/site/codebase
    export DESTINATION=/absolute/path/to/codebase/cloned/from/pantheon
    export SOURCE_SITE_NAME=my-source-site
    export DESTINATION_SITE_NAME=my-buildtools-site