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Last Reviewed: February 14, 2025

Basic Troubleshooting

Common first-step practices to troubleshoot misbehaving sites.

This page is a collection of common troubleshooting tactics, curated from our Customer Success Engineers and the Pantheon community. These procedures can help you solve issues your site may have, or rule out potential causes.

Like all Pantheon docs pages, this is a living document. Please feel free to add your expertise to the page to help others.

Standard Troubleshooting

These sections cover basic principles of troubleshooting, and apply to most issues.

Reproduce the issue

If you're fielding a bug report from an end-user, it's helpful to reproduce the issue yourself in order to find the cause. For example, if a user reports they’re unable to sign up for an account, try signing up for an account yourself using the same steps to understand exactly what occurs.

Check the logs for errors and warnings

Live sites do not show errors by default, but you can spot them by reviewing the PHP error log, or in Drupal, checking the watchdog log if the core dblog module is enabled.

In some cases, you may also run into the notorious “White screen of death” (WSOD), in which nothing prints to the screen at all. Similarly, in Drupal, you may see the cryptic “This website has encountered an unexpected error” message. If this happens, check the logs.

If you’re not sure if what you see in the log is coming from the problem at hand, try to reproduce the problem, then check your logs again.

If you’re handling a report of a problem from someone else and can’t reproduce it yourself, ask them what time the problem occurred so that you can compare that report to timestamps in the error log. Keep in mind that you may have to convert timezones depending on where your users are.

Search online for errors

PHP errors coming from Drupal or WordPress code tend to not be specific to Pantheon, so a good first step on these if you’re not clear what the error means is to just search for it in your favorite search engine.

Odds are, someone else has run into the same problem and reported it in forums on or the issue queues on, and it’s possible that someone has posted a solution or workaround.

To learn more about PHP errors, see our PHP Errors and Exceptions documentation.

Update the problem theme, module, or plugin

If you’ve narrowed the problem down to a specific module or plugin and you’re running an outdated version, try updating it first. The new release may include a fix for the issue, but even if it doesn’t, you’ll need to be running the newest version to report an issue.

Clear caches and review cache logic

Sometimes your CMS may encounter issues due to cached data that ends up in an odd state.

  • Clear your site cache using the Pantheon Dashboard, or with Terminus.
  • Clear all keys from the Object Cache using the Redis CLI.
  • Review the caching logic for your CMS version. Drupal, for example, has some specific caching features that may be a factor.
  • For issues confined to a specific page or display element, review the specific caching logic for your site or page.
  • If the Pantheon Advanced Page Cache plugin or module is installed to take advantage of the granular cache clearing capabilities of the Global CDN, review these settings as well.
  • Certain Drupal modules and WordPress plugins can conflict with Pantheon's granular cache clearing and header system. Review the Modules and Plugins With Known Issues pages to identify potential conflicts.

Investigate recent changes

Site problems may feel random, but they’re all triggered by something. Was there a recent code change? A plugin update? A configuration edit? Rolling things back can be a good first step to troubleshoot, even if it seems unlikely to be related.

We recommend rolling back either the code or database versus a full restore in most cases. You can do this using Terminus.

If there haven’t been any code or config changes lately, an uptick in site traffic or the type of traffic you’re serving (e.g, uncached versus cached) may be the trigger. To see if this is the case, check your nginx access logs.

Narrow down the cause

Some issues don’t give you clear errors or a trace back to the exact place things go wrong. In that case, you may want to try the “process of elimination” style of debugging on your Dev or multidev environment:

  • Disable modules/plugins one by one
  • Switch the theme to a Twenty* (WordPress) or Bartik (Drupal)

Continue doing this until the problem no longer comes up.

Use advanced debugging tools

More complex issues with code may necessitate using debugging tools beyond your server or application logs.

  • Recreate the issue locally.
  • For WordPress, enable WP_DEBUG & WP_DEBUG_LOG in wp-config.php. Then use the debug.log file to find warnings and errors.
  • Use Xdebug with a local development tool like Lando to set application breakpoints and dig into stack traces. See Lando documentation for more on working with their Xdebug settings.

Pantheon Dashboard

In general, if the Pantheon Dashboard stops responding, the first step is to refresh the page. The next step is to log out and back in to the Site Dashboard. If the problem persists, contact support.


If Pantheon is experiencing a platform issue that impacts sites, we post updates on our status page. You can also subscribe to status updates on that page, or follow @PantheonStatus on Twitter.

HTTPS Issues

When resolving issues with Pantheon's HTTPS certificates, a good first step is to remove and re-add the domain, which will restart the certificate provisioning process.

Code Changes

If changes to your code don't appear to be showing:

  • Check that there isn't a .gitignore that may be ignoring those files:

    git check-ignore -v path/to/file)

Check Composer dependencies as well. When a Composer package has a .gitignore or a .git/ folder in it, the platform is going to ignore the files in that folder.


See Apply Upstream Updates Manually from the Command Line to Resolve Merge Conflicts on our WordPress and Drupal Core Updates page for more information on core update conflicts. Note, deleted README.txt files can cause dashboard conflicts.

For conflicts introduced by other code merges (like from Multidev environments), see Resolve Git Merge Conflicts.

White Screen of Death (WSOD)

The WSOD is a frustrating issue on WordPress and Drupal sites, since it provides no useful information on the cause. The first place you should look for information is the log files. See PHP Errors and Exceptions for more information on the type of errors you may find.


Disable Plugins

If your WordPress site exhibits unwanted behavior and you're not sure of the cause, try disabling all your plugins, or disable plugins incrementally. If the behavior stops, turn the plugins back on one by one, checking after each one to identify the culprit.

Switch Theme to Default Theme

Some themes can cause potential conflicts with WordPress core, especially after core or plugin updates. To rule out the issue being your theme, switch to a default theme such as Twenty Nineteen.

Unexpected 404s

There are times the permalink structure in WordPress is not updated properly, leading to 404 errors. Go to Settings > Permalinks in your WordPress Dashboard and click Save Changes.

Check that the WordPress Address and Site Address are properly configured in your WordPress Dashboard. These can also be overwritten in your wp-config.php file:

define('WP_HOME', '');
define('WP_SITEURL', '');

Error: Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser.

You must enable cookies for WordPress users to log in to their admin interface. You may need to add this to your wp-config.php file:



Are you a Drupal wizard? Help us expand this section.

Displaying Error Messages

$config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose';

Additional Resources