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Code Archives and Backup Log

Learn about your code archives and Backup Log.

This section provides information on your code archives and your Backup Log.

Code Archives

Code archives contain your full remote Git repository and reflect the state of code for the given environment. Backups created on Test and Live environments automatically checkout the git tag associated with the most recent deployment.

You can use a free tool like Sourcetree to inspect the branches that the repo contains.


Pantheon provides default .gitignore files in the base of each site's code repository. This file includes the path sites/default/files for Drupal sites, and wp-contents/uploads for WordPress sites. You can use this file to exclude directories from version control and backups. Refer to Pantheon's upstreams for WordPress, Drupal 8, and Drupal 7 to see the default .gitignore file.

Backup Log

The Backup Log displays a list of existing backups for each environment. Recent logs are listed at the top. The backup components listed below can be downloaded and viewed individually.

  • Code
  • Databases
  • Files

Access Backup Log

  1. Go to the Site Dashboard.

  2. Click Backups and then click Backup Log.

  3. Click the down arrow next to Code, Database, or Files to access the link for the offsite backup.

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