Automate & Integrate
The pantheon.yml Configuration File
Automate your Pantheon workflows using platform hooks and manage advanced site configurations in YAML.
Use Composer to automate updates to packages, CMS core, and custom configurations.
Command Line Interface
Use Terminus to interact with the platform from the command line.
- Pantheon Autopilot Visual Regression Testing for Your WordPress or Drupal Site
- Integrating Asana with Pantheon using Quicksilver Hooks
- Frontend Performance
- Integrate Jira on Pantheon with Quicksilver Hooks
- Automatically Label Code Changes in New Relic using Quicksilver Hooks
- Integrate Pivotal Tracker Project Management Application with a site on Pantheon
- Integrate Trello on Pantheon with Quicksilver Hooks
- Deploy to Pantheon from an External Repository using DeployBot
- AWS S3 Setup for Drupal
- Pantheon Plugins
- Enabling Pantheon Search with Drupal
- Using WP SAML Auth with Google Apps
- Drupal Commerce
- Automatically Test and Deploy GitHub Changes to Pantheon from an Existing Jenkins Server
- Pantheon Secrets
- Pingdom Uptime Check
- Using SendGrid To Deliver Email
- Setting Up CloudFront CDN with Drupal
- Using OpenSolr With Pantheon Sites
- Creating and Revoking Machine Tokens
- Pantheon Modules
- Using SimpleSAMLphp with Shibboleth SSO
- Enabling Solr on Drupal
- AWS S3 Setup for WordPress