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Create a Composer-managed WordPress Site with Bedrock

Learn more about Bedrock and Composer-managed WordPress sites.

This section provides information on how to use Bedrock with Integrated Composer on a WordPress site.

WordPress does not natively support Composer, however, Bedrock is a WordPress-specific framework for using Composer on WordPress sites.


Create Your Site

There are two ways you can spin up a site using WordPress Composer Managed:

  • Running the following terminus command:

    terminus site:create --org ORG --region REGION -- <site_name> <label> "WordPress (Composer Managed)"
  • Using this site create link.

The site you create will be based on the Pantheon-maintained WordPress Composer Managed upstream. Once this install completes, visit the Dev environment and follow the prompts to complete the CMS installation.

Review the sections below for important information about your site, including an explanation of the directory structure and essential configuration actions.

Use Roots Bedrock

Environment Variables

Bedrock makes use of an .env file to store environment variables. Pantheon takes care of many of these variables in .env.pantheon. You may set your own environment variables in a new .env or environment variables that are local-only in .env.local using the .env.example as a guide. Wrap values that may contain non-alphanumeric characters with quotes, or they may be incorrectly parsed.

WordPress Config

The wp-config.php file is located in the web directory. As with other WordPress sites on Pantheon, much of this is taken care of for you in wp-config-pantheon.php. Application-level configuration takes place in config/application.php while platform-specific updates are made in config/application.pantheon.php. This means that config/application.php can be modified for your WordPress configuration settings without fear of conflicts with the upstream. Any configuration changes should be made to your config/appliction.php not your wp-config.php file directly.

You can learn more about WordPress configuration with Bedrock in the Bedrock Configuration docs.

Understand the WordPress Codebase

Bedrock installs WordPress as a required package so updates can be managed by Composer. As such, the contents of the wp-content directory have been moved outside the WordPress codebase so changes can be made safely to files within those directories without conflicts. Learn more about Bedrock's folder structure here.

  • Themes are installed into web/app/themes/
  • Plugins are installed into web/app/plugins
  • Must-use plugins are installed into web/app/mu-plugins
  • WordPress core is installed into web/wp
  • The WordPress admin dashboard is available at

Using Composer to manage plugins and themes

Packagist is a repository of Composer packages that are available by default to projects managed by Composer. Packagist libraries receive updates from their source GitHub repositories automatically.

WPackagist is a Packagist-like mirror of the plugin and theme repositories and is included with Bedrock out of the box.

You can install packages from Packagist or WPackagist without any additional configuration using composer require.

Require a Package from Packagist

Some WordPress developers push their packages to Packagist in addition to the WordPress plugin and theme repositories. In this way, it may be beneficial to pull those packages directly from Packagist to get the latest code directly from the source.

composer require yoast/wordpress-seo

Packages that are flagged as wordpress-plugin, wordpress-theme or wordpress-muplugin in their composer.json files will be installed automatically in the appropriate web/app/ directory by Composer.

Requiring a package from WPackagist

For all other plugins and themes that are not managed on Packagist, you can use composer require as well, using wpackagist-plugin or wpackagist-theme as the vendor and the plugin or theme slug as the package name.

composer require wpackagist-theme/twentytwentytwo
composer require wpackagist-plugin/advanced-custom-fields

Check first

It's generally a good idea when using either Packagist or WPackagist to check the repository before requireing the package. If you search Packagist for a WordPress plugin or theme and don't see it, you can be sure that if it exists in the WordPress plugin or theme repository, it will be available on WPackagist. Checking WPackagist for the package can be beneficial if you want to check what versions are available.

Updating dependencies

To update all Composer dependencies, run:

composer update

This will update all Composer-managed packages according to the version constraints in your composer.json file. For more information on Composer version constraints, see the Composer documentation.

To update a specific package, run:

composer update vendor/package

Replace vendor/package with the package name you want to update. This will update only the named package to the latest version that matches the version constraints in your composer.json file.


Restore overwritten composer.json

Sometimes, when a given upstream update includes changes to the composer.json file, it can conflict with your site's composer.json file. In these cases, applying the upstream update could result in the loss of content in your composer.json file.

After applying such an update, check the commit log in the site dashboard. If you see many packages have been removed, you'll know the site's composer.json file has been overwritten by the upstream and needs to be resotred:

Pantheon update removing Composer packages

The easiest way to resolve this is to simply back up a copy of your current composer.json file locally before applying core updates. Then, apply the updates on Pantheon and git pull them into your local repository. From there, you can then restore the contents of composer.json based on your local back up of the file, run composer update and commit the changes.

This may miss out on any actual updates to the composer.json in the upstream, so it's a good idea to check the composer.json in the upstream repository to see if there are any changes you might want to incorporate into your own composer.json file.

Note: If your site is using the Decoupled upstream for Front End Sites, the composer.json is in the Decoupled WordPress (Composer Managed) upstream repository

Report an Issue

Create an issue in the Github repo for the team to review and address if you discover an issue with the WordPress Composer Managed upstream.

Visit our community Slack (you can sign up for the Pantheon Slack channel here if you don't already have an account).

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