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Create a Composer-managed WordPress Site with Terminus Build Tools

Learn how to create a WordPress Site that uses Composer, Continuous Integration, and Automated Testing on Pantheon

This section provides steps to create a new Pantheon WordPress site that will use Composer, Continuous Integration (CI), and Automated Testing. This guide will get you started, but you will need to customize and maintain the CI/testing set up for your projects.


Pantheon has a WordPress (Composer Managed) upstream. You can use this upstream to create a Composer-managed WordPress site with Bedrock. This upstream is currently in EA and Terminus Build Tools does not currently support the Bedrock-based WordPress (Composer Managed) upstream.


Create Your Site

  1. Use the Terminus Build Tools Plugin.

  2. Run the following command to spin up your site:

    terminus build:project:create wp
  3. Review the sections below for important information about your site, including an explanation of the directory structure, Continuous Integration functions, and essential configuration actions.

Review Important Directories and Update File Paths

/web Directory

Your site is stored and served from the /web subdirectory located next to the pantheon.yml file. You must store your website in this subdirectory for a Composer-based workflow. Placing your website in the subdirectory also allows you to store tests, scripts, and other files related to your project in your repo without affecting your web document root. It also provides additional security by preventing web access to files outside of the document root through Pantheon. Your files may still be accessible from your version control project if it is public. See the pantheon.yml documentation for details.

  1. Verify that your website is stored in the /web subdirectory.

/web/wp Directory

Your directories and files within the /web directory are stored in different locations compared to a default WordPress installation. WordPress allows installing WordPress core in its own directory, which is necessary when installing WordPress with Composer. The overall layout of directories in the repo is similar to Bedrock.

  1. Verify that the WP_SITEURL file is in the /web/wp directory to allow WordPress core functions to work correctly.

  2. Review the /web/wp-config.php file for key settings and move other files to the to the /web/wp directory as necessary.

composer.json File

This project uses Composer to manage third-party PHP dependencies. Some files, such as web/wp, may not be visible in the repository. This is because WordPress core and its plugins are installed via Composer and ignored in the .gitignore file.

Third-party WordPress dependencies, such as plugins and themes, are added to the project via composer.json file. The composer.lock file keeps track of the exact dependency version. Composer installer-paths are used to ensure the WordPress dependencies are downloaded into the appropriate directory.

Non-WordPress dependencies are downloaded to the /vendor directory.

  1. Place all dependencies in the require section of your composer.json file.

    • This includes dependencies that are only used in non-Live environments. All dependencies in the require section are pushed to Pantheon.
  2. Place all dependencies that are not a part of the web application but are necessary to build or test the project in the require-dev section.

    • Example dependencies are php_codesniffer and phpunit. Dev dependencies are deployed to Dev and Multidev environments, but not to Test and Live environments.

Continuous Integration

The scripts that run on Continuous Integration are stored in the .ci directory. Provider-specific configuration files, such as .circle/config.yml and .gitlab-ci.yml use these scripts.

The scripts are organized into subdirectories according to their function:

  • Build
  • Deploy
  • Test

Build Scripts .ci/build

  • .ci/build script builds an artifact suitable for deployment.

  • .ci/build/php installs PHP dependencies with Composer.

Build Scripts .ci/deploy

All scripts stored in the .ci/deploy directory facilitate code deployment to Pantheon.

  • .ci/deploy/pantheon/create-multidev creates a new Pantheon Multidev environment for branches other than the default Git branch. Note that not all users have Multidev access. Please consult the Multidev FAQ doc for details.

  • .ci/deploy/pantheon/dev-multidev deploys the built artifact to either the Pantheon Dev or a Multidev environment, depending on the Git branch.

Automated Test Scripts .ci/tests

The .ci/tests scripts run automated tests. You can add or remove scripts depending on your testing needs.

Static Testing

  • .ci/test/static and tests/unit are static tests that analyze code without executing it. These tests are good at detecting syntax errors but not functionality errors.

  • .ci/test/static/run runs PHP CodeSniffer with WordPress coding standards, PHP Unit, and PHP syntax checking.

  • tests/unit/bootstrap.php bootstraps the Composer autoloader.

  • tests/unit/TestAssert.php provides an example Unit test.

  1. Create all project-specific test files in the tests/unit directory.

Visual Regression Testing

The scripts stored in the .ci/test/visual-regression directory run visual regression testing through a headless browser to take screenshots of web pages and compare them for visual differences.

  • .ci/test/visual-regression/run runs BackstopJS visual regression testing.

  • .ci/test/visual-regression/backstopConfig.js is the BackstopJS configuration file.

  1. Update the settings in .ci/test/visual-regression/backstopConfig.js file for your project.

    • For example, the pathsToTest variable determines the URLs to test.

Behat Testing

Behat testing uses .ci/test/behat and tests/behat. Behat is an acceptance/end-to-end testing framework written in PHP. It facilitates testing the fully-built WordPress site on Pantheon. WordHat is used to help integrate Behat and WordPress.

  • .ci/test/behat/initialize deletes any existing WordPress user from Behat testing and creates a backup of the environment to be tested.

  • .ci/test/behat/run sets the BEHAT_PARAMS environment variable with dynamic information necessary for Behat and configures it to use WP-CLI via Terminus. This script also creates the necessary WordPress user, starts headless Chrome, and runs Behat.

  • .ci/test/behat/cleanup restores the previously made database backup, deletes the WordPress user created for Behat testing, and saves screenshots taken by Behat.

  • tests/behat/behat-pantheon.yml runs tests against the Pantheon site.

  • tests/behat/tests/behat/features stores Behat .feature extension test files.

  1. Store all .feature extension test files in the tests/behat/tests/behat/features directory.

    • The example tests must be replaced with project-specific tests.

      • tests/behat/tests/behat/features/visit-homepage.feature is a Behat test file that visits the homepage and verifies a 200 response.

      • tests/behat/tests/behat/features/admin-login.feature is a Behat test file that logs into the WordPress dashboard as an administrator and verifies access to new user creation.

      • tests/behat/tests/behat/features/admin-login.feature is a Behat test file that logs into the WordPress dashboard as an administrator, updates the blogname and blogdescription settings, clears the Pantheon cache, visits the home page, and verifies how the updated blog name and description appear.

GitHub Actions

This section provides information enabling GitHub Actions for your site.

The Build Tools Site will configure GitHub Actions automatically if it was passed as the selected CI when creating the site. You will need to consult advanced external resources if you're working with an existing non-Build Tools site and want to add Github Actions.

The steps to enable GitHub Actions for an existing Build Tools site created with another CI (for example, CircleCI) shown below might work for you.

  1. Copy .ci/.github to .github.

  2. Add the following secrets to the Github Actions configuration:







    • GH_TOKEN

Working Locally with Lando

Complete the one-time steps below to get started using Lando for local development. Please note than Lando is an independent product and is not supported by Pantheon. Refer to the Lando documentation for more information.

  1. Install Lando if it is not already installed.

  2. Clone your project repository from GitHub to your local.

  3. Manually create a .lando.yml file with your preferred configuration, based on the WordPress recipe.

  4. Run lando start to start Lando.

  5. Save the local site URL.

    • The local site URL should look similar to: https://<PROJECT_NAME>
  6. Run the command below to download dependencies.

    `lando composer install --no-ansi --no-interaction --optimize-autoloader --no-progress`
  7. Run the command below to download the media files and database from Pantheon.

    `lando pull --code=none`
  8. Visit the local site URL saved in the preceding steps.

    • You should now be able to edit your site locally. The steps above do not need to be completed on subsequent starts. You can stop Lando with lando stop and start it again with lando start.
  9. Run all Composer, Terminus and wp-cli commands in Lando instead of the host machine.

    • This is done by prefixing the desired command with lando. For example, after a change to composer.json run lando composer update rather than composer update.

Do NOT push/pull code between Lando and Pantheon directly. All code should be pushed to GitHub and deployed to Pantheon through a continuous integration service, such as CircleCI.

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