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Last Reviewed: December 13, 2022

Configure Your Drupal Settings.php File

Configure your Drupal database settings.

This section provides information on how to configure the settings.php file for a Drupal site. Refer to Configure Your wp-config.php File if you have a WordPress site.

The Drupal system configuration in code is set in the sites/default/settings.php file.

Drupal (Latest Version)

Drupal sites on Pantheon run an unmodified version of core, bundled with a custom settings.php file that includes the necessary settings.pantheon.php. Your site will stop working on Pantheon if the stock settings.php file is used in place of the bundled file.

Drupal 7 and Earlier

Pantheon uses a variant of Pressflow Drupal for Drupal 7 and earlier versions. This allows the server to automatically specify configuration settings, such as the database configuration without editing settings.php. Permissions are handled automatically by Pantheon, so you can customize settings.php like any other site code.

Pantheon Articles on settings.php

Review the following articles for techniques and configurations for your settings.php file on Pantheon:

Local Database Configuration for Development


Never place the database connection information for a Pantheon database within your settings.php file. These credentials will change. Make sure you are running Pressflow core if you experience connection errors. This is a requirement.

Use the latest version of Drupal and Drupal 7 configuration snippets in the subsections below to specify a local configuration that will be ignored by Pantheon, such as database credentials.

Drupal (Latest Version)

  1. Configure environment-specific settings within the settings.local.php file, which is ignored by Git in the Pantheon Drupal upstream. Modifying the bundled settings.php file is not necessary, as it already includes settings.local.php if one exists.

       * If there is a local settings file, then include it
      $local_settings = __DIR__ . "/settings.local.php";
      if (file_exists($local_settings)) {
        include $local_settings;
  2. Set the HASH_SALT value within settings.local.php. Refer to the Drush script: Quickstart

    • Drupal will not run locally without a hash salt. The hash salt you use does not have to be the same one set on the Pantheon platform. You can use any sufficiently long random string. Make sure to set one in settings.local.php :
    $settings['hash_salt'] = '$HASH_SALT';
  3. Run the command below to use the Pantheon HASH_SALT in your local site:

    terminus drush <site>.<env> -- ev 'return getenv("DRUPAL_HASH_SALT")'

Trusted Host Setting

You will see a warning within /admin/reports/status if the trusted_host_patterns setting is not configured. This setting protects sites from HTTP Host header attacks. However, sites running on Pantheon are not vulnerable to this specific attack and the warning can be safely ignored. Use the configuration below if you would like to resolve the warning:


Don't use the code snippet if you're using the Drupal redirects from our Configure Redirects documentation as it conflicts with the other code.

  1. Replace yoursite\.com with custom domain(s) added within the Site Dashboard, and adjust patterns as needed.

  2. Escape any characters that need to be escaped in regular expressions, including dots (.).

if (defined('PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT')) {
  if (in_array($_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT'], array('dev', 'test', 'live'))) {
    $settings['trusted_host_patterns'][] = "{$_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT']}-{$_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME']}";
    $settings['trusted_host_patterns'][] = "{$_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT']}-{$_ENV['PANTHEON_SITE_NAME']}";

    # Replace value with custom domain(s) added in the site Dashboard
    $settings['trusted_host_patterns'][] = '^.+\.yoursite\.com$';
    $settings['trusted_host_patterns'][] = '^yoursite\.com$';

Drupal 7

// Local development configuration.
if (!defined('PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT')) {
  // Database.
  $databases['default']['default'] = array(
    'database' => 'DATABASE',
    'username' => 'USERNAME',
    'password' => 'PASSWORD',
    'host' => 'localhost',
    'driver' => 'mysql',
    'port' => 3306,
    'prefix' => '',

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I delete the default.settings.php file?

Yes, but only if at least one other file (for example, settings.php) is present within the sites/default directory. Otherwise, the existing symlink to sites/default/files will be invalid.

How can I write logic based on the Pantheon server environment?

There are three possibilities depending on your use case:

  • For web only actions, like redirects, check for the existence of $_ENV['PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT']. If it exists, it will contain a string with the current environment (Dev, Test, Live, or Multidev environment names if they are present). Refer to our Redirects guide for examples.


    $_SERVER is not generally available from the command line so logic should check for that when used, and avoid using $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] and $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'].

  • For actions that should take place on every environment, such as object caching, use the constant PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT. It will contain Dev, Test, or Live. Refer to the Object Cache guide for examples.

  • For Actions that require access to protected services like Object Cache or the site database, you can use the $_ENV superglobal. Please review our guide on Reading Pantheon Environment Configuration for more information, or refer to our Object Cache guide for examples.

As an example, here's how you can hard-code your Drupal 7 caching configuration and Google Analytics based on the environment. Refer to Defining variables in a site's settings.php $conf array for more information.

// All Pantheon Environments.
if (defined('PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT')) {
// Drupal caching in development environments.
if (!in_array(PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT, array('test', 'live'))) {
  // Anonymous caching.
  $conf['cache'] = 0;
  // Block caching - disabled.
  $conf['block_cache'] = 0;
  // Expiration of cached pages - none.
  $conf['page_cache_maximum_age'] = 0;
  // Aggregate and compress CSS files in Drupal - off.
  $conf['preprocess_css'] = 0;
  // Aggregate JavaScript files in Drupal - off.
  $conf['preprocess_js'] = 0;
// Drupal caching in test and live environments.
else {
  // Anonymous caching - enabled.
  $conf['cache'] = 1;
  // Block caching - enabled.
  $conf['block_cache'] = 1;
  // Expiration of cached pages - 15 minutes.
  $conf['page_cache_maximum_age'] = 900;
  // Aggregate and compress CSS files in Drupal - on.
  $conf['preprocess_css'] = 1;
  // Aggregate JavaScript files in Drupal - on.
  $conf['preprocess_js'] = 1;
// Minimum cache lifetime - always none.
$conf['cache_lifetime'] = 0;
// Cached page compression - always off.
$conf['page_compression'] = 0;

  // Google Analytics.
  $conf['googleanalytics_account'] = 'UA-XXXXXXXX-X';
else if (PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT == 'test') {
  // Google Analytics.
  $conf['googleanalytics_account'] = 'UA-XXXXXXXX-Y';
else if (PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT == 'live') {
  // Google Analytics.
  $conf['googleanalytics_account'] = 'UA-XXXXXXXX-Z';

Why does Drupal report that settings.php is not protected? I can't change the permissions on settings.php.

If you do not have a settings.php file in your codebase, you'll see the following message on /admin/reports/status:

Configuration file: Not protected. The file sites/default/settings.php is not protected from modifications and poses a security risk. You must change the file's permissions to be non-writable.

Technically, it's possible to have a functioning Drupal site without settings.php on Pantheon, but this breaks compatibility with many modules and tools. Therefore, it's strongly recommended to either copy the default.settings.php file to settings.php or create an empty settings.php file.

Should I include settings.php in my site import?

It depends on your site configuration. Stripping commented-out or non-functional code from your existing settings.php file, leaving only known good functional configurations is a best practice and makes it easier to troubleshoot.

Where do I specify database credentials?

Pantheon automatically injects database credentials into the site environment. You will break the Pantheon workflow if you hard code database credentials.

Where do I set or modify the drupal_hash_salt value in Drupal 7?

There can be an occasion when you may need to set the hash salt to a specific value. If you install Drupal 7, it will create a drupal_hash_salt value for you, but if you want to use a different one, you can edit settings.php before installation. Pantheon uses Pressflow to automatically read the environment configuration and the Drupal 7 hash salt is stored as part of the Pressflow settings.

// All Pantheon Environments.
if (defined('PANTHEON_ENVIRONMENT')) {
  // Set your custom hash salt value.
  $custom_hash_salt = '';
  // Extract Pressflow settings into a php object.
  $pressflow_settings = json_decode($_SERVER['PRESSFLOW_SETTINGS']);
  $pressflow_settings->drupal_hash_salt = $custom_hash_salt;
  $_SERVER['PRESSFLOW_SETTINGS'] = json_encode($pressflow_settings);

Where can I get a copy of a default.settings.php file?

Where can I find examples of Pantheon settings.php?

You can refer to examples on the pantheon-settings-examples repo.

Are table prefixes supported?

Pantheon injects the database configuration dynamically during bootstrap. In the PRESSFLOW_SETTINGS variable, the appropriate database connection information is passed in based upon the environment (Dev,Test, or Live).

You can technically use database prefixes, but Pantheon will not support database prefixes. As a best practice, allow Pantheon to populate your database configuration settings.

Why is the Status tab for my Drupal 7 site showing that my configuration file is not protected and that I need to create a settings.php file?

Drupal 7 doesn't ship with a settings.php in place. As the error suggests, you should make a copy of the default.settings.php and rename it settings.php. The settings.php area of the report should change to green after you have created a settings.php file.

Drupal 7 sites that plan to use Drush should have a settings.php file.

Can I edit settings.pantheon.php?

No. settings.pantheon.php is for Pantheon's use only and you should only modify the settings.php file. The settings.pantheon.php file might change in future updates, and modifying it would cause conflicts.

How do I enable ionCube Decoder support?

  1. Verify that you are running PHP 7.1 if you are using a licensed plugin that requires ionCube Decoder support. Please note that later PHP versions do not currently support ionCube.

  2. Enable ionCube Decoder support site-wide by adding this line to settings.php:

    ini_set('ioncube.loader.encoded_paths', '/');

More information can be found in our PHP 7.1 & ionCube Decoder Now Available for All Sites on Pantheon blog post.


Request to a remote API does not return expected response

The PHP 5.5 default is & and the PHP 5.3 default is &amp;.

If the API expects & as an argument separator but receives &amp; (for example, when using http_build_query), you can override the default arg_separator.output value by adding the following line to settings.php:

ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&');

Drush Error: "No Drupal site found", "Could not find a Drupal settings.php file", or missing system information from status

Add a default or empty sites/default/settings.php to your site's code to resolve the error below.

Could not find a Drupal settings.php file at ./sites/default/settings.php

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