Explore Platform Architecture
The pantheon.yml Configuration File
Automate your Pantheon workflows using platform hooks and manage advanced site configurations in YAML.
Platform Services & Resources
- Database Workflow Tool
- Date and Time
- Site Multizone Failover
- Cron for Drupal
- Managing Drush Versions on Pantheon
- Email on Pantheon
- Errors and Server Responses
- External Libraries on Pantheon
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Scaling WordPress with MySQL Replicas and HyperDB
- Log Files on Pantheon
- MIME Types
- Upgrade PHP Versions
- Securely Working with phpinfo
- Timeouts on Pantheon
- Cron for WordPress
Platform Architecture
- All About Application Containers
- Bots and Indexing on Pantheon
- Optimization for Pantheon and the Cloud
- Pantheon Filesystem
- Horizontal Scalability
- Pantheon Modules
- Dynamic Outgoing IP Addresses
- Pantheon Secure Integration
- Pantheon YAML Configuration Files
- Platform Considerations
- Pantheon Plugins
- Private Paths for Files and Code
- Automate and Integrate your Pantheon Workflow with Quicksilver Platform Hooks
- Reading Pantheon Environment Configuration
- Temporary File Management