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Products and services that can be integrated with the Pantheon platform.

Extend the capabilities of Pantheon with integrations.


These are examples, not necessarily best practice. Please refer to the Scope of Support to determine if support is offered for a particular integration.

Site Management

Pingdom Uptime Check

Pingdom provides several different types of uptime and performance checks


Quicksilver can automate your Pantheon WebOps workflow.

Site Extensions

AWS S3 Setup for Drupal

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers Simple Storage Service (S3) for scalable storage and content distribution

AWS S3 Setup for WordPress

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers Simple Storage Service (S3) for scalable storage and content distribution

Drupal Commerce

Drupal Commerce is an e-commerce implementation designed specifically for Drupal


Opensolr offers automated provisioning for the most complex Failover Systems.


Sendgrid provides reliable inbox delivery at scale.

Project Management


Asana manages team projects and individual tasks..

Pivotal Tracker

Pivotal Tracker offers product planning and management.


Trello helps teams to collaborate on projects in an agile framework.

Security and Authentication


2FA requires your website users to provide a secondary form of authentication in addition to their standard username and password

Pantheon Secrets

Pantheon Secrets is key to maintaining industry best practices for secrets management, secure builds, and application implementation to provide an additional layer of security to your site.


LDAP provides access and maintenance of a distributed directory storing organized sets of records.

Machine Tokens

Machine tokens are used to uniquely identify your machine and securely authenticate via Terminus.

Shibboleth SSO

Use SimpleSAMLphp to configure a single sign-on system for your Drupal or WordPress site.


Single sign-on (SSO) allows users to authenticate against your Identity Provider (IdP) when logging into the Pantheon Dashboard.


WP SAML Auth lets your users sign into WordPress using their Google Account.